Firstly, here we is a Youtube video by Blix Electric Bike to teach you how to replace a new display for your ebike, the sample display is the NOKEE-U LCD Display.
As we all know, when your LCD Display is damaged, it’s ok to find a new replacement for your electric bike.
But first of all, you need to get the right display for your replacement. If you are not sure of all your display’s technical details, those printed numbers(see the below picture for reference) on the back of your display will be definitely helpful. Of course, you can send it to us for checking.
After you got the right display, here are the steps that you can follow when you are going to do the replacement. In the example, we will use an SW-U LCD Display.
1. Maintenance preparing stage.
Turn off your current display and your electric bike, and disconnect the controller and battery from your display.
2. Plug off the cable of your old LCD display.
Snip the zip tie securing the display cable, then trace the cable to the silver metal connector. Untwist the silver metal portion, then pull directly apart, without twisting, to unplug.
3. Remove both the bolts for your display and remote.
Use a 3 mm Allen wrench remove the bolts, and set them aside.
4. Remove the original LCD display and button.
Open the remote and display clamps and carefully pull them off of the handlebar.
5. Put the new LCD display onto your ebike.
For SW-U LCD display, it’s installed on the mid of your handlebar. When you put it in the right position, please remember to make it tighten by the bolts securely. What’s more, for a better riding view, please make it into a right angle.
6. Fasten the display remote.
Ensure the wire running from the display to the remote is not twisted and runs smoothly. Pass the display remote clamp over the handlebar at the left side of the bike. Tighten the bolt securely.
7. Plug in the LCD Display with the wiring harness.
Line up the internal notches and pins (and external arrows), and push the connector ends directly together, without twisting, to connect. Then twist just the silver metal portion to fully seat the connection.
8. Replace the zip tie.
Snip the zip tie so it is flush and smooth.
9. Reinstall the battery and other wires.
Please check again to ensure all the other components, like controller or battery, are connected rightly. And test the bike fully before riding. Then enjoy your riding with a new LCD Display.